Time for another entry in A Festival of Postcards .
If you are interested in joining go to http://acanadianfamily.com/a-festival-of-postcards/ . The dead line is October 20th.
If you are interested in joining go to http://acanadianfamily.com/a-festival-of-postcards/ . The dead line is October 20th.
This month is dedicated to Quadrupeds. Cats , Dogs, Horses, anything with four legs.
My first thought was I do not have many post cards that fit this topic. Maybe a cute dog or a long horn steer but I wanted something a little different.
Picked up my personal album of post cards. Mainly vintage post cards of Minnesota or Water themes.
In the middle of the album I found a wonderful old post card. This one is dated August 25th 1952. My sweet daddy is writing it to my mama. He is in Huntsville Texas preaching. He was a preacher at that time and was off and on for years. Mama was in the Hedge Craft Hospital in Houston, Texas.
She had contracted the terrible disease of Polio. There were three types and she was lucky enought to get all three. She was not expected to live, but the Lord had a different plan. She was with us till 1998.
So daddy is off preaching and we are little girls traveling with him.
Daddy writes.
8 - 26 - 52
Dearest Muriel,
I'm in Huntsville this week. I'm staying at the Sam Houston hotel.
It was nice and cool here last night.
We had a good service Sunday and the girls were both extra good
( that is me and my sister Mary I am not quite 4 and she would be not quite 2)
Our crowd was small as some went
to Bethel Faith Temple for the home
coming service.
I took some shirts to Sister Berry to turn collars and make some new ones on some.
Bye for now, see you Fri
Now we go to the reason for the Festival the 4 legged animal. It is a post card of the Texas Prison Rodeo ... Huntsville, Texas. We have prisoners riding wild cows
Back of post card says Mad Scramble... Texas convicts cinch down on wild cows to open Wildest Rodeo in the World.
What a fun old post card, unusal and family history all tied together.
Thanks for stopping by .... Grace
A very interesting card, not least because you mention polio. What a scourge that was, and what a blessing that it's now nearly eradicated in the world.